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What Does A Property Finder Do? (4 minute read)

In a nutshell, a property finder should save you time, money and stress by ensuring an educated and informed purchase or investment.

DMR have been sourcing and acquiring property throughout the North West on a personal basis since 2004 and in a professional capacity since 2013 . From family homes to investment properties throughout the North West we have developed a strong knowledge base and network over the last 15+ years.

A property finders service should be custom to each and every clients need so understandably so, there are a lot of questions from the buyer / investor. Below are some of the frequently asked questions regarding our services to advise a little more about how we could help you?

Do I Need A Property Finder?

With an average time to find a property being between 20 and 90 days, we find the majority of our clients are time poor and need our services to reduce this. Conducting a thorough property search, developing your knowledge of particular area/s and visiting properties are all time consuming and over time costly.

A property finder can alleviate this not only with their knowledge to advise on areas which match your requirements but also their network which has been established over many years. Whether its for moving personally or investing, a good property finder should be able to advise on all the important fundamentals to allow you to make a more informed decision.

Can A Property Finder Negotiate A Better Price?

In the majority of cases, YES.

With our experience we base our negotiation on your behalf with all the positive attributes of the prospective buyer. As the relationship develops with your property finder there a lot of positives which become apparent and are highlighted in detail to the vendor when making the offer.

It is common for property finders to be able to access off market opportunities also which ensure the buyer has whole of market access rather than just what’s online. However, it is important to note that in some cases it is unrealistic to expect a discounted price.

Can you Find Me The Perfect Property?

After over 15 years in the industry, we source stunning homes for clients but have found a perfect property is a rarity (unless completing a self-build).

Before starting the search for a client or investor, we complete a detailed search brief which will establish the client’s requirements. This brief is made up of an initial form, along with a detailed call to discuss your requirements as well as property visuals to provide a more all round view of the clients wishes.

Its common to find this brief change as the property search develops, in which the property finder is experienced in amending plans to the client’s wishes.

What Are Property Finders Fees?

Our property finders’ fees are detailed on the respective web pages for the service you require. Our approach is to be as transparent as possible, hence the reason for providing clarity on pricing from the onset.

Having said this we appreciate each and every search is bespoke to the individual so for more information please feel free to contact us for a no obligation chat.

Are Property Finders Independent?


Our property finders act solely in the interest of the buyer / investors interest. Whilst we do have a great property network to provide access to opportunities, we are not favourable to any respective developer, vendors or estate agents.

In addition, whilst we provide access to recommended mortgage advisers / solicitors and surveyors to complete the sale a selection of each will be provided to allow the client to make an informed decision.

Does A Property Finder Offer Financial Advice?

A property finder will provide their professional opinion based on their experience and market knowledge developed over the years.

Whilst we are in a position to advise on the property and its surroundings which will affect the value, we are not in a position to offer financial advice. For this we would recommend you seek assistance of a registered financial adviser.

Can A Property Finder Help Me?

If you are short on time and/or knowledge in the North West property market then the likelihood is yes.

It would be a pleasure to discuss your requirements in more detail as well as provide an overview of how a property finder could assist you. For a no obligation call to discuss your wishes, please feel free to contact us on the below.

Also, for any further information on specific areas please feel free to contact us on

+44 (0) 161 282 5558 or myself personally at

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