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News – HS2 Announcement

The UK Government has given the 8th official go ahead for the construction of HS2 to the tune of £106BN (and counting). The brand-new rail network will continue HS1 (LDN to BM) from Birmingham to Crewe, Manchester and eventually Leeds.

Expecting to bring more capacity to the overcrowded regional lines and faster travel to the main Cities. For example, bringing the total commute time from Manchester to London down to 1hr and 7 minutes… Impressive!

There are huge environmental impacts, hundreds of ancient woodlands will be destroyed in the construction of HS2 and urban areas will need to be re-assessed to make way for huge ventilation systems.

We will be able to reap the benefits of HS2 in 15-20 years if all goes to plan. However, there will be significant impact in the mean time on housing, not only existing houses but new construction of housing to compliment the new high speed rail.

We’ll be keeping an eye on developments for you!

If you do require more in depth assistance with housing; click Dreammove; we are here to help.

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